updated April 2024

Special Subject Networks

Selected networks serving a special subject matter or interest

This page is part of the http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/networks/, please do not mirror or distribute.

You can often find channels devoted to every conceivable subject on the popular nets, but with that comes the hassles of those large nets too. Some groups have set up specialized chat servers or networks dedicated to a special subject of interest. Here are some of them, loosely grouped by subject. Note that some subjects may not be appropriate for all people. Many are web-based chats (not strictly IRC) or standalone servers.


Freenode 📎

Webchat: https://webchat.freenode.net/
Services: Yes, ChanServ, Nickserv
Servers: chat.freenode.net
We love open innovation. We love creators.


Support Channels: #Amigaworld
Servers: irc.amigaworld.net,

Kids and Education

Webchat: https://webchat.scoutlink.net/
Servers: webchat-ircd.scoutlink.net
Scouts in various parts of the world have set up an IRC network for meetings in various languages. There is also a link from within this network to scouting channels all over IRC.


/media/icons/quakenet-25.png QuakeNet 📎

Webchat: https://webchat.quakenet.org/
Server Locations: Europe, US
Services: Yes, L (LightWeight Service), Q (The Other Service)
Support Channels: #feds
Servers: https://www.quakenet.org/servers
Statistic: https://www.quakenet.org/statistics#tab-users-day
They call it the best multiplayer game ever. Maybe they’re right, maybe not. Anyway, here’s a network full of (mainly European) addicts. It has grown from a subject-specific network into the largest IRC network in the world!


Groups: small, regional, topical, general, popular