Editor’s note: This document pertains to the removal of a trojan horse which most commonly affected Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, and occasional Windows XP systems. Current antimalware software should detect and remove this trojan horse - the instructions below are obsolete and may not work correctly on more modern operating systems.

Links.Vbs trojan


Links.vbs is a trojan horse attack which behaves similar to a virus in some ways. It is a VBScript program running under Windows Scripting Host. It tries to automatically send itself to all users listed in your MS Outlook address book as an attached file. It also adds scripts to any copies of mIRC or pirch it finds that automatically send the trojan to users as they join channels you are on.

Infected filenames:



Registry Key: Hkey_Local_Machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run \rundll=rundll.vbs

Manual Removal:

Follow these steps if you understand what they do and feel comfortable executing them. If not, you should seek help from other sources, see our Trojan Horse help page.

Updated 12 Jan 2000
