IRC Communication Research Resources

Humor Resources

[Author unknown]. "IRC: The Ultimate MUD." [Date unknown - certainly pre-1998].

Here's a humourous account of IRC as the Ultimate MUD - Found on FonBot on #penpals:

Christopher A. Piepenbring ( wrote:
Anthony Van Dean < wrote:
I've been folowing this newsgroup for a while and have read about 'IRC' in the Online
Magazine. Is this a Virtual Reality game?

Dude! You know it! It is the MOST excellent VR game there is... you cruise around this maze and go into rooms (called channels). Each channel has its own group of enemies that could be computer simulated people (called bots) or actual other IRC players. Some of the players are armed with mighty weapons (called ops) and can kill you, but through the help of treasures you find (for example, "netsplits" or "Gargoyle") you can kill them, or get an op for yourself. Once armed with an op, you can kill all the enemies in the room, then lock up all the doors so no one else can get in. There are an endless number of channels, so the fun never ends.

Most of the computer players are not incredibly lifelike, but they are mean fighters unless you know the secret ways to kill them easily. You can also talk to the other IRC players, but this is rarely done, since it takes time away from the fighting and takeovers. Whatever it is, it sounds like it's a really fun program (Although very technical--only a few gods know about the commands and so forth).

It's a lot of fun, and there is a lot of learning to be done. Woe to the poor newbie who stumbles upon an experienced player armed with the dreaded flash bomb, or even worse, a high-ranking member of the IRC royalty carrying an "O-line," who can kill you where you stand for no reason whatsoever. O-lines are the most feared and highly sought after weapon in the IRC game. One can only be obtained through a series of tortuous tasks colloquially known as "getting links"... or if one is fortunate enough to stumble across the mighty wizard "dog3", and manages to perform the sacred "netsex" ritual with him, an O-line is often granted.