
A Friendly Help File For The /ALIAS Command...      (by Wags on #irchelp)

The /alias command is used to shorten the number of characters you would

normally type to enter a command.  For example, it is possible to reduce

a /who #irchelp command down to just /w   To do this, you would type:

/alias w who #irchelp   That's all there is to it.  Now, /w will give

you the same information as if you had typed /who #irchelp

The real power of /alias is apparent when you use it to combine and

execute multiple commands with a single keystroke.  For example, let's

say that you wanted to let fellow channel members know that you are going

to /redirect the /topic to the channel, and then actually do the /redirect

Ordinarily, you would type out and execute two separate commands:

1) /me is redirecting /topic to #irchelp

2) /redirect #irchelp /topic #irchelp

Wouldn't it be nice to reduce both of these commands to just /t ?

Here's how:

/alias t me is redirecting /topic to #irchelp;redirect * /topic #irchelp

Notice the ; character separating the two commands in the above line.

In IRC commands, the ; tells the program to process the command that

follows the ; immediately.  You can string multiple commands together

in this fashion, as long as they are separated by a ;

Here's a nifty example of a handy /kick alias.

First, let's set the stage...

Don't you hate it when you /kick someone and they re-join immediately?

So what do you do?  Well, you usually /ban them first next time and then

/kick them.  Then, after a bit, you un-ban them.  Well guess what, you

can reduce all three of these steps to just /k   Here's how:

Actually, let's review the commands we are going to combine and go over

two new IRC things.  These are the /timer command and the $0 wildcard.

Just as * is the wildcard for the channel you are currently on, $0 is a

wildcard for any word you type following an /aliased command.  And the

/timer command just causes the program to delay execution of the command

that follows it.  This may seem confusing, so let me give a few examples:

/timer 20 /who *

Can you guess what the above command will do?  Sure you can.  Once you

execute it, the program will wait 20 seconds and then show you the output

of the /who * command.  Now for an example of the $0 wildcard...

Ok, let's say we want to boot JoeBlow off our channel.  First, here's

what we would ordinarily have to do if we did NOT have a /kick /alias...

1) /mode #irchelp +b JoeBlow

2) /kick #irchelp JoeBlow

3) wait a while...then...

4) /mode #irchelp -b JoeBlow

That's a lot to type if you are in a hurry. And what if his good buddy

Jimbo starts acting up too at the same time?  Then you would really have

to type fast!  But guess what, /alias to the rescue!  Here's how...

And this is where the $0 wildcard comes into play also...

/alias k mode #irchelp +b $0;kick #irchelp $0;timer 20 mode #irchelp -b $0

Now /k is set up to act on whatever word, or in this case, nickname, that

you type following /k  For example, /k JoeBlow will now give this result:

1) ban JoeBlow

2) kick JoeBlow

3) wait 20 seconds

4) unban JoeBlow

All this just by typing: /k nickname   (pretty neat huh?)

And the same thing will happen if you type /k Jimbo

And since you set-up the /alias using the $0 wildcard, it will now work

on whatever nickname you type after /k by just typing: /k nickname

Note: an /alias is temporary for that session only unless you /save it.

For more info, see /help alias and /help ircii programming :-)